The body


Aging is a combination of changes in the body: volume, skin texture and tone.Over time, is my body always in harmony with what I feel?

TODAY THERE ARE REAL SOLUTIONS. To regain radiant air, eliminate localized curves and cellulite without surgery, it’s perfectly possible through the various technologies:

Radio frequency, the latest generation of focused ultrasound….It is important before any protocol is put in place to determine the motivations and reasons that are intrinsic to your desire for change. Ruth Niddam will assist you in a personalized aesthetic approach from the first appointment for a check-up in order to propose the most appropriate protocol.

To live better with the times

Today we are living younger and younger and longer and longer. Aging is inevitable but we can act to slow down its effects. In order to live better with the times, Ruth Niddam offers you the latest and most effective high-tech aesthetic technologies that are today essential allies of beauty.
Ruth Niddam considers beauty as an art in which she participates daily with the help of technology and science. The goal is to create a perfect synergy between inner and outer beauty.


L’esthétique anti-âge doit aujourd’hui être accessible au plus grand nombre car prendre soin de soi à tout âge est fondamental. Bien-être, santé et beauté sont intimement liés.

L’apparence extérieure est avant tout le reflet d’une bonne hygiène de vie et il est important de bien vieillir tout en maintenant son apparence et en conservant sa personnalité.

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